How “Covid” is related to Animal Exploitation, Cruelty and Murder


Animal exploitation, enslavement, cruelty, and murder, also known as the animal holocaust, is unfortunately what the majority of human people on this planet still subscribe to. This is also called “death culture”. Veganism is the answer and solution to all of that. Veganism embodies “life culture”.

There were and probably still are claims that about 75% of  “mutated” viruses stem from animal agriculture. There is absolutely no proof of that. First of all, there is no proof of isolation of the Sars-Cov2 or any other virus, hence no proof of the existence of the invisible entity know as virus. Within the construct of “viruses”, they are not even germs, but rather DNA/RNA code, so the germ theory doesn’t even apply to viruses. So there is no way viruses “jump” from one species to another, because there is no such thing as contagion by air. One cannot “catch” a virus unless it is directly injected into the bloodstream. But again this is all within a not proven construct, so when we really think about it, it is a moot point.

One might be confusing the non existent viruses with exosomes, i.e. cell debris, assisting us in detox, self-cleansing, and alerting us of disease. Exosomes and also germs are attracted to disease, not the other way around (Ask yourself whether flies cause garbage). The mutations the mainstream media talks about are a moot point as well. Exosomes do mutate, better said, they morph according to the environment they are in, but the morphing is beneficial for our bodies in most cases, and not pathogenic. For more information, please read this article about pleomorphism vs germ theory

So the real link between “infectious disease” (which are actually detox cycles – there is no infection) and animal exploitation and cruelty can be summarized as follows:

  1. Mainly animal products (all of them), but also some junk and heavily processed food, pesticide-heavy (non-organic) foods, are acidic, toxic and hence cause inflammation to body tissue. Cells that died off or are compromised by toxicity release so called exosomes. This is a self-cleaning mechanism to protect the body from dying. Once exosomes are released they morph into what has been erroneously called a virus. The exosomes hijack the dead or compromised cells by injecting their own protein and hence clean up the toxicity, which is then expelled out of the body (via breathing, coughing, snot, sweating, urine, stool etc.). That’s when exosomes multiply. In order to control this and not get out of hand, some of the exosomes morph again into the infamous killer t-cells, which then clean up the remaining exosomes by deactivating them and expelling them as well. All this happens on the genetic communication level, i.e. genetic information is passed around. This is an incredibly sophisticated process by our bodies to prevent exhaustion and eventually death. Remember, our bodies do everything to survive.

    Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. So we can conclude that disease is mainly caused by toxicity in our bodies, and also by stress, fear, negative thinking, and not by germs or supposed viruses. There are some genetic predispositions, but they range in the single digit percentile. Remember, disease genes are committees, not dictators. We can also conclude that any cold, flu or covid is not a disease, but actually a detox cycle of your body.

  2. Factory farms are among the biggest breeding grounds for bacteria. Real bio hazards are for example huge pools with pig/cow stools. If you live close to any factory farms, you will most likely get a higher bacterial load than e.g. when someone sneezes or coughs at or near you. Still it will not pose any harm for most people with a good defense system. Those who are sick or going through a detox cycle (aka. flu/cold/covid) should probably not visit animal agriculture locations, and they should definitely eat exclusively vegan.

Note: Bacteria, which belong to the category of germs, can be contaminants (note: this is not contagion), but the seriousness of that is relative, as it depends on the dosage, health status and other factors. A healthy body can self-regulate bacteria and our defense system can handle, i.e. ward or kill off, additional bacteria already at entrance point. As we know good hygiene prevents those diseases that can be caused by an excess of bacteria, hence bacteria and also fungi contamination, however exaggerated hygiene, such as using chemical, alcohol-based disinfectants does the opposite. It creates super-resilient bacteria that are harder to handle by our bodies. On another note: Many diseases, as modern medicine started, got eradicated not by vaccines but by common sense hygiene.

From the above, we can surely conclude that mask mandates make absolutely no sense whatsoever, because viruses do not exist, exosomes are already deactivated before they are expelled (after all they are not alive), hence NOT contagious by air, and any other intruder such as bacteria or funghi is dealt with by our defense system. Masks do more harm than good. Wearing a mask will cause you to re-breath your toxic CO2 and bacteria, all which you are supposed to expel out of your body when breathing out. That will cause a range of issues for your health. Nature didn’t design our face to be masked. The biggest irony of the covid narrative (and also previous made up “diseases”) is humans trying to treat/prevent disease, especially lung disease, by restricting breathing.

The following chart shows how the corona situation is connected to the animal holocaust:

Cycle of death culture

So we do not have an “infectious disease” pandemic, but rather have had a man-made “disease pandemic” for actually the last 1-2 centuries, reaching the tip of the iceberg with this so called “covid”. Covid is nature’s alert to all of us to address the real root cause of disease, hence to eliminate animal exploitation, a toxic lifestyle, and stop the destruction of nature and our planet.

Let’s put things into further real perspective: 

The average age for dying WITH covid, flu or any other detox cycle is around 82 years, and these patients have an average of two to three serious diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and so on, diseases primarily caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, toxicity and inflammation, as discussed above. Because of these diseases, these people are more prone to detox cycles, after all our body wants to detox to survive, especially during disease. However because most of these people are heavily medicated (with more toxic chemicals), their natural healing ability is compromised and the detox cycle doesn’t run as it should. This is the consequence of humans messing with nature. When a detox cycle doesn’t run properly, the body and its organs have to work a lot harder to deal with disease. The reason people are dying along with the detox cycles is an overworked body all the way to organ failure. The root cause of that are the serious diseases as well as the vicious cycle of treating toxicity with more toxicity (=pharmaceuticals).

When disease is present, the urge for the body to detox is even stronger, to prevent death. So exosomes multiply from within us (see above explanation about exosomes) to create a detox cycle when the sympathetic nervous system is active (i.e. outside of sleep). The common cold, flu, covid are backup detox cycles that get often triggered when our primary detox cycle, sleep, has been neglected too much. Other factors for this backup detox to occur are stress, exhaustion, frequent temperature change in the environment (e.g. going from a cold outside to an overheated inside).

Now the good news: These detox cycles are actually a good thing, because if the detox didn’t start, we would exert our bodies to exhaustion all the way to possible death, and even without knowing. The detox cycles force our bodies to rest and regenerate. Again, the exosomes only get released from cells and morph into the clean up crew when more toxicity is present and/or exertion is on its way. It really depends on the “inside dosage”, that is, if you create the environment in your own body for the exosomes to be released and multiply, in which case the chances of survival for healthy or relatively healthy people is still greater than 99 %, just like during a flu.

So we can conclude that not a single person died directly from covid, they died from their diseases and over-medication (toxicity) during a detox cycle (i.e. with covid), hence from over-exhaustion of the body or organ failure. The almost 7 million people who died WITH covid according to the numbers, which include a lot of false positives from the PCR tests (absolutely not suited for diagnosis), died from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia, or other man-made serious diseases caused mainly by consuming animal products and/or other toxic foods/applying toxic cosmetics. Take the unsuitable PCR test out of the equation, and the number of deaths would be the same from all these diseases (minus the false positives). Plus several studies found that ventilators were responsible for many of the covid patient deaths.

Covid, just like the flu, may have contributed a bit to worsening of their situation, however: 

  1. The detox cycle would have most likely NOT started had they not been sick.
  2. A clear link between a detox cycle (also erroneously knows as infectious disease) and death cannot be established unless an autopsy is carried out. Only a few thousand autopsies were carried out and they found the cause of death to be the above listed diseases or the ventilators. Already this fact alone should make you question the entire covid narrative, especially that most of the time, by law, unclear deaths where “infectious disease” was involved must be autopsied. In most alleged “covid cases” legal regulations have been completely disregarded, because hardly any autopsies were carried out. So one really has to question the cause of death and not just label them as “covid deaths” because they tested positive on a PCR test that is not even suited as diagnostic test.

Further, within the construct of the completely false germ theory, it takes 7 to 10 years for vaccines to be produced and for long-term studies to be carried out to determine the dangers and effectiveness of the vaccines. The development, testing, and production of this “covid vaccine” lasted 7 to 10 months, which is way too short. There are no long-term studies of them. Basically, you cannot even call them vaccines, but rather actually  injections, i.e. the ones from Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, as these do not contain a weakened “virus” (whatever that is, probably some DNA particles made in a lab), but only an mRNA, which is a novel spike protein that has not been explored at all. All of these “covid injections” have only had emergency patent certificates. That means they were and still are experimental, untested or very little tested. The fact that some of them have been approved by the FDA (pushed through by the pharmaceutical lobby) doesn’t play a role. What counts are the patents. No drug nor test can be put on the market without patents. This means that all these injections were on the market unlawfully. The patent for the PCR test by the way ran out at the end of 2021 and could not be renewed.

Again, within the construct of germ theory, this “vaccine” also does not provide immunity, which means it is possible that one could still get the detox cycle (well, namely from within). This “vaccine” also does not prevent the alleged non-existent transmission of the non-existent viruses.

So you see that even within the construct of the flawed germ theory and the allopathic paradigm that the medical establishment operates under, there are so many inconsistencies. In reality, the truth is that germ theory is false, because there is absolutely no proof for it, hence there is nothing to be immune against. Again viruses are not even germs, but just DNA/RNA code.

By early 2023, 2 million of people in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia & New Zealand alone have died as a direct result FROM taking the covid injections (update from Jan. 15, 2023). By early 2024, this number could be up to 17 Million, according to some reliable sources (more updates will follow). These numbers do not include unreported cases in the VAERS data system, so it could be most likely even higher. Many of these people were completely healthy, many were healthy athletes, celebrities. Many more have suffered severe adverse reactions from the “covid vaccines”. This is a serious and huge crime against humanity.

Another huge crime of vaccines is that they are developed and produced with animal exploitation and cruelty, i.e. testing on animals and/or animal products or byproducts. For the covid injection, the blood of thousands of horseshoe crabs was and still is being used to ensure that the injections are free from contamination. Also cells from aborted human fetuses and fetuses from murdered pregnant cow mothers are used in some of  these vaccines. All this is animal exploitation and cruelty no different from pigs being murdered in gas chambers or slit their throat for food. Therefore no vaccine is vegan and it also violates human rights.

For more in-depth information about this, please watch this short video.

No animal exploitation and cruelty is ever justified nor excusable, even if the purposes of that were necessary, however in this case they aren’t. As concluded in this article and from my decades long research, vaccines are absolutely NOT necessary, let alone an experimental injection to take over the job of the innate defense (i.e. lymphatic) system (aeka. immune system), just as much it is not necessary to consume chopped up flesh of murdered nonhuman people (aka. other animals) for protein and other nutrients.

Medications only treat, mask, or prevent symptoms, but never the root cause, hence they do not cure anything. On top of that, they cause so many other health problems (aka side effects, but really they are main effects), after all, they contain poisons. At this point I’d like to mention that I am not arguing against some rare and exceptional situations where a medication can save someone’s life. So there is a spectrum and it is to be regarded nuanced. Addressing the root cause however is key in preventing and curing disease. Also strengthening our innate lymphatic system (i.e. defense/maintenance/repair system), i.e. improving overall health, prevents disease. This can all be done in simple natural ways through a healthy lifestyle, which includes:

  • A healthy diet, i.e. a 100% plant-based, ideally wholesome and organic,
  • Clean water,
  • Enough sunlight and fresh air,
  • Regular exercise, movement, or sports,
  • Enough and high-quality sleep, which is key for detoxing, regeneration, relaxation, and healing,
  • Avoiding stress (stress hormones inhibit the defense/lymphatic function!),
  • Mental health, i.e. positive thinking, avoiding worry (PS: It has been scientifically proven that fear weakens the defense/lymphatic system),
  • Sufficient vitamins and minerals. Most of them should be actually taken via your food. With some vitamins this is not exactly easy or possible, for example vitamin D3. This vitamin plays a very important role for the defense system and also for disease and cancer prevention. The best way to get D3 is from the sun and if that is not sufficient, especially for people living north of the 37th parallel, then a vitamin D3 supplement during the winter months may be necessary.

The ultimate question is: Do you still want to take an experimental injection, which has serious side effects, including possible death and actually weakens your innate defense/lymphatic system, because it basically takes over its job, or do you rather want to prevent/reverse disease and strengthen your already by nature sophisticated defense system with a plant based organic diet, sunlight, exercise, great sleep?

If you see the connection between diseases and animal exploitation and you are against animal animal exploitation, the only congruent step to take is to become vegan for the animals, and the positive side effect of that is an improvement of your health and of course also a reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions.

If you are vegan, alone for the ethical reasons described above it is your moral imperative to abstain from vaccines (without exceptions) and not promote them, in the same way as you take abstaining from all animal products very seriously. This is absolutely non-negotiable! If you have already taken the covid shot, then don’t feel bad about it, it’s already in the past, you cannot undo it. Instead make amends with the past and transform any guilt you may have into responsibility by doing the right thing from now on: do not promote vaccines, do not get any more shots/booster shots ever again.

Written by by Michael Prikryl, originally on April, 8, 2021 and updated on Nov. 08, 2024